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Tesla, Inc. is a company based in Palo Alto, Ca that has hired a total of 548 Perm Visa Employees as of across 10 locations, with the majority of hires in CA.

The primary jobs hired include Civil Engineers, Marketing Managers, and Computer And Information Research Scientists.

The average salary at Tesla, Inc. for the jobs listed above is $93,291.25.

This company has mostly hired people from the Automobile and Light Duty Motor Vehicle Manufacturing industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2017, and the number of Perm employees has been decreasing over time, while the average salary has been rising over time.

Tesla, Inc. has a Perm Visa approval rate of 62.49% .

Employer Summary

Tesla, Inc.
3500 Deer Creek Road
Palo Alto, CA

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

548 Approved

4 Denied

16 Withdrawn

309 Certified Expired

Tesla, Inc. Top Perm Visa Jobs

Tesla, Inc. Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Tesla, Inc. has been in the Perm Visa program since 2017 where they hired 23 employees. They peaked in 2018 with 155 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 10 in 2023.

Tesla, Inc. has been in the Perm Visa program since 2017 where the average salary was $100,924. They peaked in 2023 with an average salary of $123,430, and the recent trend shows the average salary on an incline.

Tesla, Inc. Additional Information

Named after the renowned Serbian inventor Nikola Tesla, Tesla Incorporated is an American company that specializes in automotive and energy based technology. Known also for their work on home grid battery storage and solar panel technology, the company is most well-known for the series of electrically powered cars that they have produced since 2008.

Although Elon Musk, current CEO of Tesla and co-founder of PayPal, is seen as the “face” of the company, it was originally founded by engineers Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning in 2003 under the original name of Tesla Motors. Influenced by General Motors’ electric car experiment EV1 that ran from 96’ to 99’, these young engineers sought to create a successful electrical car model that could be made readily available to the public markets. They unveiled their first model, the Roadster, in 2006 and began producing it in 2008. Despite the Roadster being considered Tesla’s first big success, it did come with problems, from requiring a vast amount of time to fully charge in comparison to refueling a vehicle at a gas pump to being priced in the range of $100K.

In October 2008, Eberhard and Tarpenning both resigned from the company they founded, claiming later that they had been forced out of the company by way of “libel and slander”. After the founders’ supposedly forced resignation, it was then that Musk, who had joined Tesla in 2004, took on the role CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, and invested $30 million in the company. By 2012, the company had relocated to its current location of Palo Alto, California and discontinued the Roadster in favor of the new Model S and its proceeding sedan model line. As of this year, Tesla has experienced a considerable drop in stock prices.

Most of Tesla’s top jobs for H1B workers involves some form of engineering. While some call for software and network engineering, many are titled as Mechanical and Project Engineering and Management. These salaries range from $68Kto $80K on average, but can reach a maximum in the hundred-thousands. With Tesla being a producer of automobiles, the company is looking for the most skilled mechanics, specifically to join Tesla’s drive inverter design team, one of their most current projects as of late. Other responsibilities that may be passed to the Mechanical Engineering position, such as developing test plans for prototypes, collaborating on new manufactured systems and solving packaging problems including electrical isolation, thermal management and RF communications. This job not only requires deep knowledge of the fundamentals of vehicle engineering and materials, but also experience with designing vehicles as well.

Project Engineers are also involved with vehicle undertakings at Tesla, but are more so positioned outside the actual hands-on work. Project Managers act as monitors of the endeavor by scheduling workflow and duties, keeping track of resources, and quality control. While a Bachelor degree in Engineering is required for this job, an applicant must have proven skills as a Project Engineer; good management and supervision skills, adeptness in several engineer related disciplines, and familiarity with designing through MS Office.

Management at Tesla entails working closely with the management team to record and maintain inventory. Other duties include handling outgoing shipments, processing equipment returns, and documenting IT equipment as well. While no specific degree is necessarily required for this job position, around 3 to 5 years of knowledge and experience are required for this job. Along with effective communication skills, management employees may need to stand for extended hours and lift heavy weights as would be done in a retail position. Salary for the managerial position at entry-level is $57K total and can reach around $172K for senior-level.

As for Software and Network Engineering, the salaries are considerably higher. Software engineers can earn $92K on average with $229K at maximum salary, and Network Engineers closely earn $76K on average with $141K at maximum salary. However, Senior Software Engineers earn $111K on average while able to receive a max salary of $169K. While these are engineering positions that may both be assigned to the same system, their duties differ. To clear up the major differences, Software engineers work within what is already provided in terms of system memory, rewriting certain applications. As for Network Engineers, their duty would include increasing the amount of memory storage of a system. Either way, they are both essential in system development.

Tesla is a company that strives for excellence in the area of scientifically developed products. Whether its new energy grids or futurist designs for cars, Tesla wants to ensure that all of what they produced satisfies their ambitions. When it comes to the energy grids that Tesla designs, they need to be maintained in order to prove Tesla’s mettle. This is where Software and Network Engineers come in to design and maintain the grid’s system so that it can deliver and handle correct energy outputs.

Over the past few years, Tesla has begun to unveil their personally designed vehicles. Tesla more or less wants to create a new type of vehicle that runs solely on electricity, thus paving the way for “transportation of the future”. In order to make this possible, Tesla needs to hire the best mechanical engineers and car designers to make sure that such cars are possible.

Since his inception as President of the United States, Trump has pined for a bill that would decrease the flow of foreign workers to American businesses. With India being the largest provider of H1B workers, The Print states that this could damage Indian as well as American industries. Nasscom, India’s technology trade group, put out a statement that Trump’s executive order is “misguided and harmful to the U.S. economy” and further eluded that coinciding with the COVID-19 virus, the economy would take a severe blow this year and into the near future.

Elon Musk responded to this on Twitter, saying that he 'Very much disagree(s) with this action.' In my experience, these skill sets are net job creators. Visa reform makes sense, but this is too broad”. Coming off that, some do see the ban as a good thing, agreeing that the immigration and foreign worker system is broken, and that by slowing down the influx of incoming H1B’s would not only generate more jobs for Americans, but also raise salaries for current H1B workers.