We now have Quarter 4 H1B visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 PERM visa FY 2023 data and Quarter 4 H2A visa FY 2023 data.
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Populus Group, Llc is a company based in Troy, Mi that has hired a total of 4,971 H1B Visa Employees as of May 2023 across 49 locations, with the majority of hires in CA.

The primary jobs hired include Software Developers, Applications, Computer Occupations, All Other, and Mechanical Engineers.

The average salary at Populus Group, Llc for the jobs listed above is $94,577.88.

This company has mostly hired people from the Temporary Help Services industry

The company has been hiring employees since at least 2014 , and the number of H1B employees has been decreasing over time, while the average salary has been rising over time.

Populus Group, Llc has an H1b Visa approval rate of 91.16% .

Employer Summary

Populus Group, Llc
850 Stephenson Hwy
Troy, MI

Total Applications


Average Wage


Visa Status

4,971 Approved

32 Denied

450 Withdrawn

Populus Group, Llc Recent H-1B Visa Hires

Populus Group, Llc Top H-1B Visa Jobs

Populus Group, Llc Employees Over Time vs Average Salary Over Time

Populus Group, Llc has been in the H1B Visa program since 2014 where they hired 36 employees. They peaked in 2018 with 892 employees, and have since been on a decline with the most recent number of employees being 31 in 2023.

Populus Group, Llc has been in the H1B Visa program since 2014 where the average salary was $73,227. They peaked in 2021 with an average salary of $99,470, and have since been on a decline with the most recent average salary being $92,679 in 2023.

Populus Group, Llc H-1B Visa Data Search

Job Title Visa ID Job Salary Job Year Case Status Normalized Worksite State
Management Analysts I-200-23179-151681 $64,438.40 2023 Certified Nh
Management Analysts I-200-23179-151700 $86,777.60 2023 Certified Nh

Populus Group, Llc Additional Information

Populus is a business that is committed to uplifting others. Founded in 2002 in Detroit Michigan, Populus proudly claims itself as a certified Minority and Veteran owned business enterprise. The goal of Populus is about “connecting organizations with the right people” by supporting people of different backgrounds. Populus Group’s claims that their purpose stems from “the belief that everyone deserves the opportunity to succeed”.

As an organization that fully believes in inclusion and diversity, Populus also gives back to the community as well by getting in touch with local charities and nonprofits. The first community that Populus primarily focuses on is kids, granting opportunity for scholarships. The second community that Populus greatly supports is that of veterans. This should come as no small surprise considering that Populus is a certified Veteran owned and friendly organization, but extends to playing a hand in veteran support groups throughout the year and helping veteran’s get work and start their own businesses.

In 2006, Populus Group opened an Immigration Services office. In the past fiscal year, over 2000 labor applications for H1B were filed. The company’s highest paying job titles often range within the $100K. These include jobs such as Java Developer, Development with the iOS platform, and Business Analyst. In order to claim any of the kinds of careers that Populus is providing, many require some form of intimate knowledge with these major software programs.

Java is an easy enough program to learn as the platform was originally conceptualized as such and reached its goal of being a free and open source back in 2007 and is constantly updated. Java is defined as an independent object-oriented programming language platform, thus some programming skills are required, but due to Java’s built-in easy accessibility one can learn to write code with the Java platform rather quickly. Requirements for Java Developer include a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in computer science, and a demonstrated deep knowledge of Java and other software platforms. Salaries for Java Developers ranges to about $77K total.

iOS is the operating system used by Apple for their mobile devices. Developers would design applications on the iOS platform for the company. They would be part of a team who would be responsible for maintaining the performance, quality, and updates of the company application. Requirements for this position call for degrees in computer science, and extensive knowledge of iOS frameworks and other web technologies. On average, iOS developers make around $127K.

Business Analysts evaluate processes of company systems and develop strategies to improve their profit. Business Analysts also create manuals, meet with stakeholders and clients, and can even coordinate projects to ensure that the proper business outcome is produced. Education requirements for this position call for either a Bachelor’s or Master’s in business, along with some knowledge of computer science and engineering. Business Analysts make $75K.

Populus is a company that advises small businesses in order to uplift them. Business Analysts are tasked with examining the infrastructure of a business and look at what can be improved. After carefully overlooking the business network, Business Analysts would consult with clients on how to improve their profit.

On the digital front, Populus employs Java and iOS developers to also assist their clients. Java developers can improve upon the software network of a start-up corporation as well as rework the company website. On the other hand, iOS developers can create apps for the business to increase availability and connection for that business and their customers.

During 2020, Populus Group LLC recently filed a lawsuit against the law firm of Clark Hill. According to an article from Reuters, the lawsuit was over “claiming immigration lawyers at Clark Hill ignored relevant guidance from the U.S. Department of Labor and then prolonged an investigation by the agency by continuing to assert its ‘unsupportable position’.” This appeared to lead to a government investigation that led to a $2 billion dollar loss and a sullied reputation.